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Health Concerns and Negative Mood Swings in Seniors


We all have good and terrible days, and we’re all entitled to some negative thinking or crankiness now and then. However, if you are providing elderly care for a senior who appears to have slipped into a routine of constant grumbling and negativity, it is worth checking whether a health issue could be the cause.

Here are some of the causes of unpleasant mood fluctuations in seniors, as well as suggestions for how a family caregiver in Southern, California might help.

  • Pain

    People with chronic pain had an increase in negative moods such as anger, despair, worry, tension, fatigue, and others. Any of these emotional changes should be disclosed to your doctor because they have been known to decrease the efficacy of pain management treatments.

  • Urinary Tract Infections

    A UTI can induce serious outbursts, anger, confusion, and other changes in behavior or attitude, in addition to the classic symptoms of pain, burning, and desire to urinate.

  • Medication Side Effects

    A variety of drugs might produce mood changes. Talk with the doctor and go over each of the older adult’s prescriptions to see if the problem is due to a single medication or an interaction of several medications.

  • Dementia

    Dementia is distinguished by changes in mood and demeanor. It is critical to recognize that these changes are the outcome of physiological changes in the brain, rather than the person’s own choices and judgments.

Chronic negativity, whatever the origin, can strain a caregiver’s sense of comfort and well-being. That is why American Quality Care For The Elderly, your trustworthy home care agency in Southern, California is here to assist you. 

Contact us to see how our companionship services may aid someone you care for while giving you the time you need to recover and revitalize.

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